Britain's universities are set on a collision course with the government. 英国的大学势必将与政府发生冲突。
We hurried through the colourless little town set on the fast-flowing Nyakchu. 我们匆匆穿过湍急的那曲河畔这个毫无生气的小镇。
Quiberon is set on an eight-mile peninsula. 基伯龙位于一个8英里大小的半岛上。
Dozens of people have been injured and many vehicles set on fire 很多人受了伤,多辆车起火。
She was set on going to an all-girls school 她执意要去女子学校上学。
Margaret was always mischievous and set on her own individual course 玛格丽特总是调皮捣乱,而且一意孤行。
Lower the heat and allow the omelet to set on the bottom 关小火让煎蛋的下面凝固。
They brought the young men in and set the dogs on them. 他们将那几个小伙子带了进来,然后放狗咬他们。
A post office was set on fire and vehicles were stoned by looters. 抢劫犯放火烧了一家邮局,并用石头砸车。
He told her how the boys in East Poldown had set on him, teasing him 他告诉她东波尔顿的男孩们是如何攻击他、嘲笑他的。
No limit is set on the length ( for an article). 字数不拘。
Only a handful of people were dead set on following him. 死心塌地跟他走的只是一小撮。
He is set on becoming a pilot. 他心心念念地想当个飞行员。
In spite of the watch set on the house, the thief escaped. 尽管这幢房子设置了看守人员,小偷还是逃跑了。
And its competitors have their sights set on its core businesses. 竞争对手们已经把目光瞄准了eBay的核心业务。
One day, Simba, the sun will set on my time here and will rise with you as the new king. 辛巴,总有一天,太阳会和我一样慢慢下沉,并在你成为新王的时候再次升起!
Major targets for economic and social development in the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period listed in the outline ( Draft) were set on the basis of the guidelines and principles set out in the proposal of the Central Committee. 根据中央《建议》确定的指导思想和原则,《纲要(草案)》提出了“十一五”时期经济社会发展的主要目标。
The name of the variable was set on the command line of the embedspu command. 变量的名称是在embedspu命令的命令行被设置的。
As you might expect, any errors in validation are reported to the ErrorHandler set on the parsers. 可以预料,验证错误都会报告给解析器设置的ErrorHandler。
Properties that may be set on the component to tailor or customize its behavior. 用来裁剪或自定义组件行为的属性。
These enhanced password strength rules can be set on a realm, policy, and per-principal basis. 这些增强密码强度规则可以基于领域、策略或主体进行设置。
The following steps add an invisible reference to the data set on the report. 接下来的步骤向报告上的数据集合添加了一个看不见的引用。
For the tags corresponding to properties of a Message, like TITLE and LINK, the appropriate property is set on the currentMessage using the data from the builder variable. 对于与某Message属性相对应的标记,如TITLE和LINK,则使用builder变量中的数据在currentMessage上设置适当的属性。
Depending on the type of system you are running, there might also be specific tuning recommendations that should be set on your systems. 可能还有一些应该在您的系统中进行设置的特定的优化建议,这取决于您所运行的系统的类型。
You don't want to show this data set on the report directly, but you must add it to the report in some way or else the report will not populate the data set with data. 您不想要在报告上直接显示这些数据系列,但是您必须以相同的方式将其添加至报告中,否则报告就不会写入数据了。
If the default member is not explicitly set on the virtual dimension, the default is the dimension from the first cube selected to compose the virtual cube. 如果没有在虚拟维度上显式地设置默认成员,那么默认值就是选择用于构成虚拟数据集的第一个数据集的维度。
In a client-gateway-host environment, these authentication options are set on the client and gateway, not on the host machine. 在一个客户机-网关-主机环境中,这些身份验证选项是在客户机和网关上设置的,而不是在主机上设置的。
Similar to migration policies, deletion policies also are not required to be set on a SONAS system. 与迁移策略一样,不需要对SONAS系统设置删除策略。
In this scenario, developers run analysis rules to find and fix problems in their component code and the development manager runs a standard rule set on the application code base using Build Forge. 在这个场景下,通过使用BuildForge,开发人员在他们的代码或组件中运行分析规则去找到并发现问题,而开发经理可以在基于代码的应用程序系统上运行一组标准的规则集。